
Psoriasis in Ayurveda is a well-known skin problen as “kithibha” is an immunesystem affliction (auto-immune) that causes plaques, which are irritated or sore patches of thick, red ,dry skin Psoriasis influences any part of the body. The elbows knees and lower back are the ordinarily impacted regions. scalp , nails and palms could also be affected.


  • Inflammed patches of skin
  • Plaques on the red patches
  • Dry skin that might break and bleed
  • Dry skin that might break and bleed
  • Itching around patches
  • Thick / hollowed nails
  • Swollen joints
  • Stress-unusual high stress might set off flare up
  • Heavy alcohol additionaly sets off flare-up


Ayurveda explains that impurities in the blood connected with emotional aspects are the reason for the disease. Psoriasis is explained to happen due to the vitation of vata and kapha. 

  • Herbal formulations
  • Diet
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Therapeutic treatments according to patients condition
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